Many credit card companies offer free credit card balance transfers in order to entice consumers to choose their service over a competitor. In addition, credit card companies may offer a grace period in which no interest is charged on the outstanding balance. With proper diligence, a savvy consumer can take advantage of these incentives and avoid high interest rates while paying down the principal. But be sure to read the fine print, as many credit transfers involve hidden charges, such as one-time fees on the balance transfer. Undergo various aspects of balance transfers that can either help your credit or hurt it:

- Every time you apply for credit, a hard inquiry is made on your credit report. Each hard inquiry has the potential to lower your score. If you apply for five different cards, you could lower your credit score by several points. To keep the negative effect on your credit at minimum through the application process, do your research and only apply for one card. After transferring a balance to a new card, keep the old account open.
- Depending on the right circumstances, a balance transfer can be a good way to pay down credit card debt. By initially applying for several different cards with low introductory rates, you can negatively affect your credit. A few percent of your credit score is based on the length of time your credit accounts have been open. The longer you have your accounts, the better your score. By opening several new accounts, you bring down the average age of all your credit accounts, thereby hurting your credit.
- Closing a credit account can negatively affect your credit but by keeping existing accounts open, your average account age remains high. If possible, find a card with a credit limit much higher than the amount you need to transfer. Exhausting your credit limit brings your credit utilization ratio down. Finally for maintaining a good credit score, you will have to make payments without missing any deadlines.
- Source: Secondary
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