Whether you are planning to buy a home, a car or even a new credit card, your credit score has immense affect on your loan processing. A credit score is a 3 digit number that shows numeric summary of your credit health. Such score is derived by credit bureaus by analyzing your credit history. The score usually ranges from 300 to 900 points and the higher score suggests more chance of getting approval of your loans. If you are in dilemma to find how to improve credit score, following tips may help you:
ñ The first and foremost easy action to improve your credit score is to pay off all your bills on time and pay regular installments on your loan default. Even, if your credit score is trembling, you just follow the technique of paying all the bills on time. You need to maintain no late payment status for at-least seven years.
ñ It is important to put a limit on your credit card use and utilize it only for certain ways. Your credit score would be on the higher side if you will make less use of credit cards as well as will avoid using too many credit cards. The ideal would to be use between 10% and 20% or less of the total credit available.
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Source: Secondary
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