Credit reports are used by loan companies to help them determine whether you are a good risk or not and if you are likely to repay any loan taken out. There are some very simple steps you can take to raise your credit rating. Many of these actions are things not to do also.
"If you consistently pay off your bill as soon as you receive it, your balance will remain lower. If, on the other hand, you continue to charge up the card between receiving your bill and paying it off on the due date a couple of weeks later, your reported balance will be higher. This increases the chances that when the credit bureau takes the snapshot, your credit utilization ratio will be higher."
Avoid jumping from credit card to credit card.: If you "transfer your balance" - a scheme that doesn't hurt you, and gets you 0% interest on your balance for a period of time, sometimes as long as a year – unnecessary don't open the new account. Your credit history looks better to the credit bureaus if you have long-standing, established accounts.
Rely on your seniority in age: You can't do anything about, being older, but at least there's something good about ageing! Age is one of the personal factors which bureaus take into account while giving the credit ratings.
Regularly pay your bills on time: This is actually first in the order of things you must do to better your credit score. Each late payment is affecting your credit score and presents a picture of unreliability. You must determine that, if you want to improve your CIBIL score, you should pay your bills on time. The biggest hunk of your credit score is based on your payments history.
Source: Secondary
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