Saturday 6 June 2015

Cell Phones are easy identity theft targets

Cell phones are more powerful than ever, with innovations and features being unveiled constantly.

A recent survey shows adults own cell phones, and many use them for much more than just making calls -- for e-mail, instant messaging, Web access, shopping online, even banking, bill-paying and much more.

But can cell phone users really be sure all their personal information is secure?

As devices have become more data-intensive, security is a challenge. But the organization says the industry is constantly improving security features on wireless networks and devices, to try to keep consumers safe.

To help keep information secure :

• Set up a voicemail password, to make it harder for someone to break in.

• If you're going to shop or bank online, do it over a secured network: Free WiFi access points are much riskier.

• Don't download apps from unknown sources. Some apps have been accused of gathering personal info.

Source: Secondary

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