Do you know that more than 50% of consumers have errors or mistakes in their credit report? It will directly affect your credit score because the bureaus use information from your credit files to calculate your credit score. But if you keep checking your credit report then you can easily correct it on time. Here are few steps on how you can keep track on your CIBIL report?
Get Your Credit Report:
Get a copy of your credit report and review it regularly, identify changes and any incorrect accounts information.
Check Your Credit Report for Errors:
Check your credit report very cautiously for any errors —like accounts that are not yours, missed out accounts, loan amounts are incorrect, account balances which are incorrect, showing late payments, etc.
Report your Errors to the Credit Agency:
If you detect any error in your report, immediately report it to your credit counsellor. Be specific and explain exactly why an item is inaccurate in your report. Remember that credit agencies receive information from your creditors and then prepare your credit score.
Contact the Creditor:
Call the creditor which is responsible for an error in your report and then let them know that why you are disputing an item which is mention in your CIBIL report.
Wait for a Resolution:
A credit agency can take maximum 45 days to resolve and investigate your dispute against the error in your report with your creditors.
Get Your Dispute Results:
you will get notification from the agency about the investigation results. The error will get removed from your credit report if it is confirmed by the agency.
Add a Statement of Dispute:
If an error was not removed and you disagree with the decision, you can add a statement of dispute of up to 100 words to your credit report. That allows you tell your side of the story and future creditors and merchants may take your statement into consideration when evaluating you.
Get your credit report ,renew, revamp and retain your score along with dispute resolution by opting for service packages available at
Source: Secondary
Get Your Credit Report:
Get a copy of your credit report and review it regularly, identify changes and any incorrect accounts information.
Check Your Credit Report for Errors:
Check your credit report very cautiously for any errors —like accounts that are not yours, missed out accounts, loan amounts are incorrect, account balances which are incorrect, showing late payments, etc.
Report your Errors to the Credit Agency:
If you detect any error in your report, immediately report it to your credit counsellor. Be specific and explain exactly why an item is inaccurate in your report. Remember that credit agencies receive information from your creditors and then prepare your credit score.
Contact the Creditor:
Call the creditor which is responsible for an error in your report and then let them know that why you are disputing an item which is mention in your CIBIL report.
Wait for a Resolution:
A credit agency can take maximum 45 days to resolve and investigate your dispute against the error in your report with your creditors.
Get Your Dispute Results:
you will get notification from the agency about the investigation results. The error will get removed from your credit report if it is confirmed by the agency.
Add a Statement of Dispute:
If an error was not removed and you disagree with the decision, you can add a statement of dispute of up to 100 words to your credit report. That allows you tell your side of the story and future creditors and merchants may take your statement into consideration when evaluating you.
Get your credit report ,renew, revamp and retain your score along with dispute resolution by opting for service packages available at
Source: Secondary
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