Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Safety tips for credit card frauds !

 Identity theft forms the path way to Credit card fraud. Stay safe and keep your card secure with following tips :

Cut old credit cards and shred papers where you have written your credit card information:
You may be aware of credit card fraud by dumpster divers where thieves dive into trash cans and take out information from thrown away receipts and statements. Therefore it is advisable to shred such statements and receipts into pieces rather than tossing them in the dustbins to save your credit card number from getting in the hands of the dumpster divers. Also, cut your expired/cancelled cards and put them in different bags to thwart thieves from putting it together again.

Avoid sharing your credit card information on-line or phone: 
Many thieves posing as credit card issuers and banks may call you or email you asking for your credit card number. Though they may look or sound genuine, beware of such people they are scammers. Even while paying something on-line, be careful and check if it is secured website before giving out your credit card details. Check for a lock beside the URL to see if the website is safe.

Don’t sign empty receipts:
Always verify the amount before signing the receipt. Also check for any blank spaces on the receipt, if there are- then draw through them as the cashier could write an amount there and get the money from your credit card issuer.

Keep your credit card in safe places:
Always keep your credit card in safe places, tucked away in your purses and wallets properly. Specially take care of them in crowded places and always check your credit card is with you before you leave from a shop where you have used your credit card to pay.

Report stolen/ lost cards immediately:
Report your stolen card to your bank as soon as you can, to save yourself from fraudulent charges made from your account. The faster you will report to the bank, the faster will they freeze your accounts, thus saving you from any further losses.

Review your monthly statements monthly:
Reviewing your reports regularly will make you aware if any unauthorized charge have been made from your account. Even though the charge may be small but it’ll make you aware and you can report it to the bank and avoid credit card fraud.

Credit cards even play a vital role in generation of credit score thus keep your card safe and secure .

Source: Secondary

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